Notes on registration for the Korn-Erlebnis-Tag 2024
By making a paid booking, I confirm my/our intention to participate and the accuracy of my details. I also represent the interests of other persons.
I will immediately inform the persons registered by me that I – also acting for each person registered by me – declare the following consent:
- My participation/the participation as well as the journey of each individual is at my own risk.
- On the day of the event I’m at least 18 years old.
- My participation/the participation of each individual does not raise any health concerns.
- The journey is self-organized and is not centrally organized by the Edelkorn-Brennerei Rosche.
- The damage that I cause or suffer myself/everyone I register causes or suffers shall be borne by myself/everyone I register.
- I will only make a claim against the organizer if he is culpably responsible for the damage.
- Cancellations free of charge including refund of the participation fee are only possible until July 19th, 2024.
- In the event of underbooking, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the tour. In this case, the organizer will inform the participants promptly.
I am aware that the event will be filmed and photographed. These images may be used for public media such as television or the press or company publications.
- I and the persons registered by me expressly agree to this work.
- I and the persons I have registered do not consider our personal rights to be at risk.
- I and the persons registered by me will not assert any claims against the organizer or third parties due to the use of the images.