
Summer Party 2024

We are going to hold our annual Summer Festival this year once again:
When? On Friday, August 2, 2024, 6 pm – 11 pm.
Where? At our distillery farm in the heart of Haselünne

We provide food, drinks and good music for dancing!
Ticketpreis: €45 per person

Please note: the event will be in German as most participants will be German speaking.
Participation is permitted from the age of 18.

Tickets for our Summer Party 2024 are completely sold.

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Here you can find our terms and conditions for the Korn-Erlebnis-Tour.


„For a good cause“

Participants were invited to explore the region by bike in a self-organized way for a good cause. For every kilometer ridden by the participants, we pledged a donation of 10 cents for Ukraine Relief. In total, almost 4000 kilometers were covered.

We topped up the collected donations to a total of 2.500 € for Helping Hands e.V. and Caritas for their commitment to supporting Ukrainians. Roswitha Barke from Helping Hands’ in Lathen and Josef Wolking from the Caritas advice center in Cloppenburg received cheques with a total value of 2.500 €.

Jana is the new “1st Korn Queen of Germany”

The highlight of the 23rd Korn Experience Day was the crowning of the new “1st Korn Queen of Germany”. The office was invented by Josef Rosche in 2000. Since then, only three young women from Haselünne, Haren-Ems and Hümmling have held this office. The task of the majesty is to make the cultural asset “Haselünner” grain and fine grain, which has been cultivated for centuries, better known regionally, nationally and internationally and to promote the region. The focus here is on grain qualities from family businesses such as ours; here, all the work involved is carried out exclusively in-house, starting with our own grain cultivation and traditional distilling processes through to bottling and distribution.

From 2015 to 2023, Johanna I (Lübbers) from Börger represented us and the Bund deutscher Edelkorn-Brenner (BdEB). She is now succeeded by Jana I. (Harting) from the municipality of Viskek, district of Norddöllen, north of Vechta. The 25-year-old insurance saleswoman successfully completed her dual studies as an administrative specialist a few days ago and works at the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture in Oldenburg. The participants followed the proposal of the reigning Corn Queen Johanna I and unanimously elected Jana I as her successor.

Mayor Werner Schräer had previously welcomed the guests on behalf of the grain and Hanseatic town of Haselünne. The 1st Deputy District Administrator of the Emsland district, Dr. Hubert Kruse, paid tribute to Johanna’s great personal commitment over the past eight years of government in the region, but also in Berlin, Brussels and even Rome.

After receiving great praise and thanks from Susanne and Josef Rosche for the entire Rosche team, the visibly moved previous incumbent Johanna also thanked them for the many encounters that had been made possible for her. Johann Wimberg, President of the Oldenburger Münsterland Association and District Administrator of the Cloppenburg district, was particularly pleased to be able to enthrone one of his daughters with a sash and crown of ears. At the invitation of the mayor of Vechta, the new Corn Queen Jana I was the guest of honor at the town’s reception during the 725th Stoppelmarkt. After the election, the guests enjoyed Rosche, danced and celebrated together in our distillery courtyard until late into the mild summer night.

We would like to say THANK YOU for this fantastic evening – it was a party as it should be!

Terms and conditions of participation

Here you will find our conditions of participation for the Korn-Erlebnis-Tour. Please take a moment to read them.


Haselünne is one of the oldest and one of the most beautiful towns in Emsland. The town received its town charter from the Bishop of Münster back in 1272. The town lies in a charming meadow and valley landscape and is a former Hanseatic town. This history is commemorated by the Corn and Hanseatic Market, which takes place every two years on the second weekend in September and also celebrates 750 years of Haselünne from September 9-11, 2022.

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